27th ICSPR 2024 Providence
International student from Thailand
International students from Portugal
令和5年度 学位記授与式・卒業式が行われました!Diploma Presentation Ceremony was held.
外山さん(D1)の論文がMolecular Reproduction and Developmentに掲載されました! - Toyama's paper is published ! -
令和5年度生物科学専攻修士論文発表会が行われました!Master Thesis Presentation was held.
植物学会・形態学会に参加しました Participated in the conference
祝!高橋さん論文掲載 - Dr. Takahashi's paper is published ! -
祝!卒業・研究奨励賞 -Graduation and The School of Science Encouragement Award-
お花見をしました!Cherry blossom viewing!
祝!井上研究奨励賞受賞!Congratulations on Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists.
修士論文発表会が行われました!Master Thesis Presentation was held.
修士論文発表会が行われました!Master Thesis Presentation was held.
YouTube に研究成果が公開されました!Press release has been uploaded on YouTube!
祝! 学生の初の論文 Congratulations! The First Paper by a Lab Student
発生研の近況 Updates
朝日賞のお祝い// surprise ceremony for Asahi Prize